Today’s Teens: Tomorrow’s Leaders


This 5-Day Workshop consists of a series of experiential games, highly dynamic activities and discussions, the Teen Leadership Course develops and draws forth those leadership facets in today’s teens.


Ages: 14-17
Cost: $1,495.00 per person (Includes seminar materials, lunch, and refreshments)
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Course Overview

Today’s Teens Tomorrow’s Leaders is a high energy, deep awareness 5-day breakthrough seminar designed specifically for teenagers today. In our current technological world, our teens face challenges that no other generation prior, have had to deal with; too often resulting in a feeling of loss of purpose and meaning that burdens both the teen and his/her family.


The mechanics of this program is designed to address and overcome common obstacles teens face today and set them on a course to be more engaged in their daily lives and more productive members of the community.


Conducted in a safe and accepting environment participants will be allowed to express themselves freely, heal and release issues from the past and learn powerful new life skills from a platform of curiosity, coaching and mutual support.


In Today’s Teens Tomorrow’s Leaders seminar, positive seeds will be planted; including relevant life skills which will powerfully support them as they transition into adulthood.


Specific models and techniques will be introduced and applied during the various experiential activities. Strong emphasis is placed on creating positive and effective mindsets and transfer of practical skills to empower the participants giving them a clear road map on how to navigate their teenage years and move forward into functional adulthood.


Sample Topics

  • Indoor and Outdoor Experiential Activities
  • The world renown Samurai Leadership Exercise
  • Tool Kit to Process Thoughts & Emotions
  • Peer Pressure and How to Handle it
  • Shifting Compliance to Commitment

Benefits of Attending

  • Greater self-esteem and courage.
  • Demonstrate clearer communication & self -expression.
  • Enjoy greater self-confidence & personal effectiveness.
  • Interact with greater responsibility & commitment.
  • Gain more self-acceptance & personal power.
  • Accept change in self and others.

Past Graduate Testimonial

“As a teen, I was not looking at a positive future, and I was definitely headed in the wrong direction.  After participating in the Teen course, I was able to learn more about myself and how to make life work.  The seminar helped me to focus and pinpoint my passion for cooking. It was a life-changing experience that led me to a career as a professional chef and restaurant owner.”

~Peter Duenas , Master Chef & Owner , Meskla and  Meskla Dos~